Fred Kalibwani

Fred Kalibwani

A transformational development expert with over 23 years’ experience in the practice of value-based development that is inclusive, equitable and sustainable.

Over this period Freddie has acquired world class skills in strategic analysis and planning; program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; as well as, research and documentation. This long involvement in the transformation of marginalized groups culminated in his deep involvement in development policy research, analysis and advocacy. His major area of expertise is participatory development processes and techniques including: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Processes (PMEP); participatory development methodology including Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), and community mobilization – all accompanied by excellent action research, capacity building and facilitation skills. Through various project assignments and trainings, Freddie has acquired excellent conceptualization, organizational development and documentation skills – including the development of results frameworks and operational plans, concept notes and proposals, policy briefs, organizing policy dialogues and consultations, and developing policy advocacy programmes.

Freddie has served as a development worker at community, national, regional and international levels – mainly with World Vision International, a 3-track international development agency. Freddie has trained change agents across Africa in the theory and practice of transformational development and policy advocacy. Freddie has wide experience in both quantitative and qualitative research. He is excellent at networking, coalition building, partnership development and resource mobilization.

Freddie was central in coordinating the civil society-led review of the tripartite (World Bank, Government and Civil Society) Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiative (SAPRI) in Africa – that reviewed the impact of Public Expenditure Management, Liberalisation and Privatisation policies on the poor.

Freddie has served as the Regional Coordinator for Policy Advocacy in 9 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa – for the Participatory Ecological Land Use and Management (PELUM) Association – based in Harare, Zimbabwe, responsible for leading and training PELUM member countries in policy advocacy issues pertaining to Food & Seed Security, Fair Trade and Sustainable Land Use. He has served as Regional Advisor for the Southern Africa Kellogg Foundation Public Policy Programme – based at the Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) at the University of Zimbabwe. He has served as the Africa Coordinator for the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), based in Bonn, Germany, promoting sustainable agricultural practices across Africa. He has served as Programme Officer for the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), based in Pretoria, South Africa, responsible for coordinating multi-country policy studies and organizing multi-stakeholder policy dialogues for promoting the use of evidence as a basis for planning, investment and policy decisions. He has served as Programme Officer for the CGIAR-based Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-SA), based in Pretoria, South Africa, responsible for trends analysis and monitoring agricultural sector Performance in Southern Africa to generate evidence-based knowledge products and publications. He has served as Programme Officer for the International Water Management Institute – Southern Africa (IWMI-SA), based in Pretoria, South Africa – responsible for coordinating various projects including integrated water resources monitoring and evaluation and identifying investment options for scaling up irrigation investments in Southern Africa.

Freddie Kalibwani currently the Director of Programs for the International Development Policy Research Centre (IDPRC) – an Africa-wide initiative to ensure best-bet sustainable development policies for Africa. Based on this diversity of skills, Freddie Kalibwani has undertaken many capacity building and consultancy assignments and presented many papers.

Freddie is well traveled and recognized internationally as an advocate for pro-poor participatory development, shared prosperity, and environmental protection. He aspires for equity and improved quality of life for the poor. Freddie Kalibwani has graduate training in Biochemistry and postgraduate training in International Development.